
The Library of Congress ca 1949

A two-part film about 30 minutes long in total. Produced ca 1949 it gives basic facts about the library and its purpose as well as some history and information about ongoing projects (at the time!). Part 1 [iframe id=”” align=”center” mode=”normal” autoplay=”no” maxwidth=”600″] Part 2 [iframe id=”” align=”center” mode=”normal” autoplay=”no” maxwidth=”600″]


The Library of Alexandria and it’s Legacy

A History Channel episode entitled “The Library of Alexandria and it’s Legacy“. The documentary is about 47 minutes long. “At its height, the library was said to possess nearly half a million scrolls, and, although historians debate the precise number, the highest estimates claim 400,000 scrolls while the most conservative estimates are as low as […]


Love Books? Visit The Book Labyrinth!

Of course you do. You’re at the library! What if you’re not at the library? Chances are you love books so much you search them out. You find new book stores, flea markets, garage sales and used book stores. The Last Bookstore in Los Angeles covers 20,000 square feet and has a back room with […]


Florida Celebrates National Library Card Sign-Up Month

“In celebration of National Library Card Sign-Up Month, Florida Secretary of State Ken Detzner is encouraging Floridians to sign up for a library card and explore the many resources and educational opportunities Florida libraries have to offer to residents.” “Today’s modern libraries offer many services to residents and having a library card is like a […]