Adventure begins at the Okeechobee County Library! Check out our Summer Reading brochure for more details on challenges, shows, prizes, games, and more coming this summer at the Library!
Join us every month for a new S.T.E.A.M Space activity! June’s activity will be DIY Magic Wands on Saturday, June 15th from 3:15 p.m. – 5:15 p.m. We provide the supplies, instructions, and space! Supervision required for underage participants as ACTIVITIES ARE SELF-LED.
Pase por la Biblioteca de Okeechobee el Miercoles, 10 de Enero, a las 11 A.M. para nuestra Hora de Cuentos de Mariposa. Venga y disfruta de un cuento, actividad, y bocadillos!